Artist/Musicican/Madman/Assassin/Professional Scapegoat

"Welcome to a world that you do not possibly want to enter"
"what we need is designer violence"
"RRR - the 6 th world war"

Samstag, 3. April 2010

re-introducing "collectingstreet and graffiti art"

i want to take the time to re-introduce to y'all my favorite art related blog. it's main columnist has a sixth sense when it comes to new and refreshing ideas like i have rarely seen it in another human. he is one of the few completely independent minds of the scene and is not afraid to speak his mind even about the most powerful of icons in the scene. even in times of controversy he was not afraid to put my stuff up when most other journalists backed out because of the content and i salute him for that. thank you so much. please show him your support like you have shown it to me. he was the first one that i have handed a TAR ARMY invitation to.

anyway, if you wanna know what's REALLY going on, head over here. daily!

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